Sequential State – the comics criticism archive of Alex Hoffman

Tag: madeleine witt

  • Comics That Challenged Me In 2017: Part 1

    It’s been an annual tradition at Sequential State to run a series of articles, microreviews really, that are built around a list of comics that challenged me in that calendar year. This list is a list of books that challenged me as a reader, although the definition of challenge is nebulous, and the only requirement…

  • Comics Kickstarter Feature – Warmer, ed. by Madeliene Witt and Andrew White

    Comics Kickstarter Feature – Warmer, ed. by Madeliene Witt and Andrew White

    When Sequential State was a younger project, I tried a lot of different features and formats to talk about comics that I thought were interesting. As the project grew, I moved deeper and deeper into criticism. It’s something I’m comfortable with. I have been reviewing comics for nearly 10 years now. But I left a…