Sequential State – the comics criticism archive of Alex Hoffman

Author: Alex Hoffman

  • Musings: Reviewing Webcomics

    A few weeks ago, there was this big send up about web comics review and criticism. A lot of really well known web comics creators got involved discussing the pros and cons of web comics reviews. I made some comments regarding reviews that I’m going to pull in here: As a person who reviews comics,…

  • Review: Anya’s Ghost, by Vera Brosgol One thing that I think is a universal experience is the feeling of being bullied. I was bullied in junior high for my weight, my overeagerness to please teachers, and all the things a bookworm is generally noticed for. Looking back at that time, I realize now that there…

  • Review: Night Animals, by Brecht Evens I’m working through some older comics this week, and I’m finally getting around to Night Animals, a purchase from my SPACE adventure earlier this year. While it was published in English by Top Shelf after The Wrong Place (from Drawn and Quarterly), the book is some of his first…

  • The Anxiety of James Sturm’s Market Day

    The Anxiety of James Sturm’s Market Day

    James Sturm’s Market Day is one of the defining graphic novels of 2010. It follows a shetl artisan, Mendleman, at the turn of the Industrial Revolution. He has built a life around making high quality rugs. The financial stability of his family hinges on selling 8 rugs he has made. When he finds out that…

  • Review: The Wicked and The Divine #1, by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie

    Review: The Wicked and The Divine #1, by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie

    Today’s review is of a comic book you can find in a comic book store: The Wicked and the Divine. I’ve never been a true comic book store aficionado, although I have spent plenty of money at comic book stores that also did hobby gaming events. Many of the stores I’ve played games in have…

  • Some Thoughts on Believed Behavior #2

    Publishing as an industry is at a crossroads. While ink on paper still dominates comics in terms of content purchased, digital comics are taking a more and more prominent place in core reading. The 00’s gave us free to read digital comics that were readily accessible for the first time in the form of webcomics,…

  • Review: Black Pillars, Issues 1 +2, by Andrew White When I bought Black Pillars a few months ago, I didn’t really have a good idea what I was going to get myself into. I came across Andrew’s work through Retrofit’s website, and followed his tumblr account. Later, on a whim, I bought both issues of Black…

  • Review: Seraph of the End, Volume 1 Manga publishing has a lot more editorial oversight than most American comics. Nowhere is that more apparent than the first chapters of a new manga. These chapters can be written, rewritten, stretched, pulled, and pinched until they meet an editor’s approval. And when you’re proposing a brand new…

  • Link Roundup #1

    Sometimes it’s good to kick back, relax, and enjoy a lazy Friday. Or you can blog about the stuff on the internet. Of note, there is a lot of great stuff to look at on the internet. This is just the stuff I’ve been looking at lately. Kickstarter In the world of Kickstarter, Strong Female Protagonist…

  • Review: New Frontier #1: Third Wheel, by Hanna K The saddest thing about my TCAF trip was completely missing the PEOW! Studio booth. Hailing from Sweden, I missed a chance to get copies locally of their brand new books. When Zainab Akhtar (blog: Comics and Cola | tumblr: wellnotwisely) previewed the second issue of Náva,…

  • Review: Operation Margarine My first experience with Katie Skelly and her work was at the Contemporary Erotic Comics panel at TCAF 2014; Operation Margarine was a book that was on my radar for the show, but Skelly had already run out of copies by the end of the first day – a happy occurrence for…