Sequential State – the comics criticism archive of Alex Hoffman

Tag: sparkplug books

  • Hey there! If you’re a fan of Sequential State, I want to take a little time today to point you towards 2dcloud’s ongoing Kickstarter project. I back a lot of Kickstarter projects, and I generally don’t talk about them too much on Sequential State. I’m making an exception for a recent campaign because @2dcloud is about…

  • Looking Forward: April Releases, Yeti Press and Sparkplug Books Announce 2015 Publishing Slates

    MoCCA Comics Fest is just around the corner, and some small presses have begun to send out their plans for this year’s publishing slate.  Two books I’m excited about from two different Canadian presses – Koyama Press’ koyamapress​ Mighty Star and the Castle of the Cancatervater from A Degen adactivity​ and Towerkind from Kat Verhoeven…

  • Kickstarter Feature #2: New South, Hymn, Sparkplug

    Hi everyone! Good to be back up and running. I took a break last week to focus on studies for a big certification test. I tested on Wednesday, and I’ll know the results in 2 months.  Meanwhile, some interesting projects have hit the crowd funding sites, and I figured I would point a few out…