Sequential State – the comics criticism archive of Alex Hoffman

Tag: recommended

  • Review: Seconds by Bryan Lee O’Malley This may be a partial heresy, but I’ll be as up-front and as honest as I can: I’ve read 1 volume of Scott Pilgrim, own the rest, and haven’t finished them. I never saw the movie. So, despite knowing about O’Malley’s work, I haven’t really been immersed in it…

  • Review: The Wrenchies, by Farel Dalrymple Last week was a surprisingly great week for new comics. Books like Terraformars, Through the Woods, and Seconds all were published to great fanfare. But the book that came out last week that I read first was Farel Dalrymple’s The Wrenchies. I was expecting it to be out around…

  • Review: This One Summer, by Jillian and Mariko Tamaki

    Review: This One Summer, by Jillian and Mariko Tamaki

    One of my favorite literary genres is the slice of life story. Manga has these stories in spades (Cross Game, Twin Spica, Sunny) and the series that are published in English are often really great. So knowing that First Second/Groundwood Books was going to be publishing This One Summer, a slice of life story about…