Sequential State – the comics criticism archive of Alex Hoffman

Linkblogging #3

Another month, another Linkblogging post. Please note that there is plenty of great stuff on the internet, and this is only stuff I know about. If your stuff isn’t on this page of stuff, let me know.

Have you followed sequential-alt yet? Because you should! Also follow this account, sequentialstate, because you get one more punch on your comics blog punchcard – 10 punches and you get your own free blog.


Funding for the John Porcellino documentary, “Root Hog or Die,” is coming to close on Kickstarter. John, among other things, runs his own zine distro, Spit and a Half, self publishes comics, and has a book coming out from drawnandquarterly in Fall 2014, The Hospital Suite. You’ve got 6ish days left.


With 19+ days to go, the Valor anthology has soared past its $20K funding request and looks to have some pretty neat comics. The theme is fairy tales with courageous heroines. You can find the anthology’s tumblr at valor-anthology.

LOVF by Jesse Reklaw is looking for $2.5K and has partial backing from fantagraphics, whatever that means?? Jesse was one of the pioneers of webcomics with his piece Slow Wave. Also, it appears he’s trying to sell the original art of LOVF all as one piece for $5K on his website… which, that’s something.


Sabrina Cotugno (tumblr: arythusa) has what looks to be a great comic up on Kickstarter, Bleeding Heart, about a scientist in training who rescues an injured werewolf. It appears that this standalone story will be a small part of what looks to be a much larger comic universe called The Glass Scientists. You can find out more at the Kickstarter page. This is something that I think we don’t see a lot of – comics Kickstarters generally collect previously printed material; they don’t often kick off a whole multiverse of comics work.

Read This Thing

Udo Jung’s new webcomic Hyperspace Journey.


Part one of Persimmon’s Cup, a new comic on study-group by Nick Bertozzi.

robkirbycomics interviews kevinczap on Panel Patter.



retrofitcomics has 3 new books available for preorder at their store which should be available at spx.

Zainab at Comics and Cola lists her favorite comics of the year thus-far and has an interview with Inés Estrada that just went live today. I recently did a review of Estrada’s CS, which you can read here.

koyamapress will have a new book from Patrick Kyle out at SPX – Distance Mover. You can see a sneak peak at the Koyama Press website.

Liz Suburbia’s SACRED HEART has been announced for Summer 2015 by fantagraphics. Previously announced at SDCC, but hey, it’s pretty freaking cool. You can see some progress shots here.

If you want to exhibit at TCAF 2015, you don’t have that much time. Application submissions close October 17th.


Have a great Monday!

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