Sequential State – the comics criticism archive of Alex Hoffman

Tag: yeti press

  • Review: SuperCakes by Kat Leyh I have been known to read a superhero comic from time to time, despite my routine coverage here at Sequential State avoiding most superhero books. Still, there are a few that grab my attention. The latest superhero comic I really enjoyed was Thor: The Mighty Avenger, which was an all-ages…

  • Comics That Challenged Me in 2015: Part 5

    Welcome back to the latest Comics That Challenged Me in 2015 piece. I generally don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. I don’t see a lot of value to them, generally speaking. But with the recent controversies with the Angouleme Grand Prix, I was thinking about talented women cartoonists, and decided to make a resolution. My resolution…

  • Looking Forward: April Releases, Yeti Press and Sparkplug Books Announce 2015 Publishing Slates

    MoCCA Comics Fest is just around the corner, and some small presses have begun to send out their plans for this year’s publishing slate.  Two books I’m excited about from two different Canadian presses – Koyama Press’ koyamapress​ Mighty Star and the Castle of the Cancatervater from A Degen adactivity​ and Towerkind from Kat Verhoeven…